Purple Kitchen Treats

Over the past few years, I have been working on a cookbook. During this time, I took time off to finish my Master's Degree. Now that I have accomplished that, I am working again on my cookbook, slowly but surely.

However, over the past few months, something interesting has happened...I have received multiple requests for baked goods, particularly my cookies. I am also receiving multiple requests for granola. So, with all these requests in mind, I have started to make my cookies for sale, along with my granola.

My official web site is available, but will be undergoing a significant redesign. Be sure to visit my "official" web site at: http://www.susanshonk.com and watch for some exciting changes.

From the heart of my purple kitchen to you,

Thursday, May 5, 2011

365 in 365 - Candied jalapenos

I am sitting here looking at a pile of jalapenos and know that they are destined for a long swim in a vat of simple syrup with a variety of spices.  But all I can think of is....what should I do with them next??

Add them to cornbread?  Nope, done that!!
Make a really spicy jam / jelly?  Nope, done that!!
What other flavors can I add to them?  Thinking about this one......
New twist on traditional queso fundito?  Maybe, maybe not......

Do y'all have any ideas or challenges?

What is a spicy red-head to do????  

Have a great nite,

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